The Fevers of 2020

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~Ovid

Shorter words than normal, folks … because this week I had the flu.

Yes, the chills-fever-nausea-coughing-sneezing-aching-can’tsleep flu.

Yes, I was stupid and should have gotten a flu shot.

Yes, I’m watching my seven-year-old like he’s a hand grenade with a pulled pin ready to blow at any second. So far, he’s healthy. Knock on wood.

Yes, I’m starting to feel better – but I’m at 75% trying to run at 125%. (If I’m honest, more like 60%.)

I suppose that’s where we all are right now, aren’t we? At 3/4 power … with 4/3 expectations of ourselves. We’re all spread so thin. Expected to do all the things with no resources, no time, no energy. Just our passion, our heart, and our hands.

It’s easy to make mistakes when you’ve been overwhelmed for … years (I’m looking at you, Iowa).

So maybe we all should take the equivalent of a sick day. Chug some water. Chew on a vitamin, and get a little bit of extra rest. If the last week is any indication, the rest of this year is going to be an unbelievably wild rid.

So as I take a little breather and crawl back under the covers with my No Chicken Chicken Noodle Soup, know that I’m thinking of you and hoping you’re taking good care.


Let’s get to work.

Actions for the week of February 4, 2020

Tuesday: NO BAN Act

Call your Representative and ask for their support on the NO BAN Act when it comes to the House Floor.

The NO BAN Act limits the executive branch’s ability to use religious discrimination to restrict travel and immigration to the United States. It revokes the existing Muslim Ban, asylum ban, and refugee ban and outlines future standards requiring the President, State Department, and Department of Homeland Security to consult with Congress before imposing a travel restriction. Speaker Pelosi announced last week that the House Judiciary Committee will mark up the NO BAN Act in the near future. The bill has 214 Democratic cosponsors. Check to see if your Congresscritter is sponsoring by clicking HERE (which takes you to

IF YOU HAVE A REPUBLICAN CONGRESSPERSON – note that this act protects people from religious discrimination. That’s an issue of real importance to the GOP (at least, it is when Christians are involved). When speaking with your congressperson’s office, make sure you highlight the importance of religious freedom.

Script: Hi, my name is ____ and I’m calling from ____. I’m calling to encourage the Congress(wo)man to support the No Ban Act, which repeals the muslim, refugee, and asylum bans that the administration has put into place. Our country has always valued religious freedom, and I know the Congress(wo)man feels strongly about that issue. It’s time for Congress to take action, and I expect Congress(wo)man ____ to support the No Ban Act. Thanks!

Wednesday: Reject the Coverup Protest

Frustrated about the state of the impeachment trial in the Senate? You know what I always say – it’s time for action therapy! Here are two things you can do.

1. Attend a ‘Reject The Coverup” protest this Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Thousands of Americans will mobilize to oppose the Senate’s impending decision to acquit President Trump. Find the closest event to you at

2. Keep calling your Senators! Light up that switchboard and ensure they know that you’re watching.

Script: Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling from ___. I want to encourage the Senators, again, to consider the gravity of what Donald Trump has done and how his actions put our democracy at risk when voting on his impeachment. Democracy shouldn’t be a partisan matter, but it’s becoming more and more clear that no matter what Trump does the Republican party will not hold him accountable. Our system of government is at risk unless Senators from both sides of the aisle put country over party – and over their own political aspirations. I’m asking the Senator to consider history, her/his legacy, and our democracy when casting his/her vote to convict and remove Donald Trump.

Thursday: Share your Story, Amplify Others

February 1st– 8th is National Gun Violence Survivors Week: a week dedicated to sharing and amplifying stories from those impacted by gun violence.

This week symbolizes the time when annual gun deaths in the U.S. exceed the average number of gun deaths our peer countries experience in a year’s time. Everytown created a story wall to recognize this week, Moments That Survive, and needs your help to collect, spread and illuminate stories.

How has gun violence changed your life? Go to: to share how gun violence has impacted you; you can also share a story about a loved one.

Even if you don’t have a personal story to share, go to and see the inspiring stories shared by others; share them on social media using the hashtag #MomentsthatSurvive.

Friday: Quick – Check that Registration NOW!

This week a friend who hasn’t missed an election in years checked her registration … and she had been purged from the rolls. She still doesn’t know why. But because she checked in advance, she can register before the primary election deadline.

You need to do the same thing!! Check your own registration (and other members of your household) and get friends and neighbors to register/check their own registrations in advance of the primary deadline. Here’s a nifty link to check your voter registration status, but I suggest you check your own secretary of state’s office as well:

IF YOU FIND YOU HAVE BEEN UN-REGISTERED (is that a word?) please call 866-OUR-VOTE to report that you’ve been purged from the voter rolls. And then, obviously, re-register.

The following states and territories have voting registration deadlines approaching in February. I have BOLDED the deadlines coming in the next WEEK.

Alabama: Register by 2/14 for mail or in-person; register by 2/17 online

American Samoa: Register by 2/28

Arizona: Register by 2/18

California: Register by 2/18

Colorado: Register by 2/10 for postal ballot; register same-day on 3/3

Florida: Register by 2/18

Georgia: Register by 2/24

Idaho: Register by 2/14 (mail or online); register same-day on 3/10

Illinois: Register by 2/18 (mail); register by 3/1 (online) 

Maine: Register by 2/27 for postal ballot; register same-day on 3/3

Massachusetts: Register by 2/12

Michigan: Register by 2/24 (mail or online); register same-day on 3/10

Minnesota: Register by 2/11 (mail or online); register same-day on 3/3

Mississippi: Register by 2/10

Missouri: Register by 2/12

Nevada: Register by 2/22 (online or in-person); register same-day on 2/22

New Hampshire: Register same-day on 2/11

North Carolina: Register by 2/7 (mail); register by 2/29 (in-person)

Ohio: Register by 2/18

Oklahoma: Register by 2/7

Puerto Rico: Register by 2/10

Utah: Register by 2/25

Virginia: Register by 2/10


P.S.: Why don’t you make someone’s day and send this pep talk to a friend or two? I bet they need it.

If you’d like to sign up to get this pep talk and action list in your in-box each week, you can do that here. Welcome, friend!

P.P.S.: If you want to help support this work you can do so via Patreon at or via paypal at
My deepest gratitude in advance.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for writing. I read and respond to every e-mail. (Really! I really do!) We’re in this together. Don’t you forget it.

2 thoughts on “The Fevers of 2020

  1. I found your blog through the Problogger list of new blogs and wanted to let you know how great I found your writing, topics, and passion! It’s so important that we don’t let our frustration paralyze us and lead to inaction. Now is the time to step up, and I appreciate your posts making it easy for people to figure out how.


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